Canada: Luring pedophiles through fake online ads is not entrapment, Supreme Court says

Source: 11/24/22

The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that online police investigations targeting adults looking to have sex with children do not constitute police entrapment.

In a rare 9-0 ruling, the top court dismissed the appeals of four men convicted of child sex offences: Ontario residents Corey Daniel Ramelson, Muhammad Abbas Jaffer, Erhard Haniffa and Temitope Dare.

An investigation by York Regional Police called Project Raphael ran from 2014 to 2017. It involved undercover police officers posing as teenaged escorts on a website they suspected of being a hub for the sexual exploitation of children. 

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Another terrible law. When will they start prosecuting people for alleged thoughts. Because prosecuting for intent is the same thing.

More bait and switch tactics at play here. Seem like these cowards that call themselves LE can’t lure predators posing as actual children. They need to pose as adults, get the person emotionally and probably physically enticed, and then drop in the fine print at the very end of the deal. Probably the most pathetic conduct possible while acting under the color of law, but they’d make mighty fine used car salesmen if you ask me. I think they missed their calling.

any ADULT that PRETENDS to be a CHILD online is there for ONE reason to ENTRAP/LIE and LURE IN a ADULT by pretending to be a CHILD. They arent there to get a free ticket into disney.

When a PREDATOR goes to court on underaged charges the GOVERNMENT should be able to produce a REAL UNDERAGED VICTIM or charges should be DROPPED. Quit wasting COURT TIME and TAXPAYERS MONEY !!

How best to lure in Canadian Mounties into overreaching? That is the question. How did law enforcement get into the internet advertisement business? That is the question. (see
The DDI taking pimpin to another

Wisconsin is well known for our associated Tavern Leagues. These beer lobby unions found it necessary to ask the WI legislature for a law granting tavern owners the ability to civilly sue future potential customers (those under legal drinking age attempting to buy).
Why would any business forsake real sales for the ability to attack those who’d eventually become customers? To keep the tavern owners from being busted by LEO for serving alcohol to under age persons. The reality was local cops were enlisting underage (<21) college students and recently graduated high school kids to make “straw purchase” attempts to buy in local bars and taverns. These participants, more often than not, were taking criminal justice & social work college courses! Some cops began turning it into a blackmail scheme taking cash to drop cases or counts. These underage kids always came in pairs or small groups, and often were accompanied by 1 person above the legal age in the group. Usually the oldest would be the first to buy followed by the underage participants. Usually the orders was for “take out” purposes. WI regulation states All WI take out alcohol sales must end before 9:00 pm for all establishments. Inside taverns and bars premises alcohol sales must end at 1:45 am. This ” socially driven carve out” forces the entirety of alcohol sales market into taverns after 9:00pm in WI. Because LEO knows where the drinking market is, they also know where to set up shop.
The very same dynamic is playing out with this Canadian escapade for social good. Pointedly, Canadian police are admitting the DDI has no capacity for prophylaxis impacting “sexual deviance.” If anything the DDI has enabled crime or exacerbated criminality. I have read many cases where respondents to online sex adverts have showed up only to get robbed. So Caveat emptor! Just don’t expect your gov to fix it.

Caveat emptor!
Like pine marten to feathered snare. For those who’ve not experienced the sound of these rodents feet as they tap along an inclined pine pole trap the sound is familiar The animal’s approach sounds very much like keyboard taps with rapid beats and intermittent pauses. Unlike these unfortunate humans, at least the pine marten has the sense enough to critically assess the situational proposition during the pause phase! lol.

A few years ago, I received a voice mail message on my phone that sounded like a child, it said “Meet me in the backyard of at ### Third Steet a 2 p.m.”. I did not go. I often wondered if this was sting. My survival platform if it has anything to do with kids, I avoid it like a deadly plague, because it is deadly.

It’s almost 2023 anybody still getting busted in these online stings, knowing that internet sex crimes are automatically placed in Tier 3, has got to have some kind of mental disorder and probably deserves what ever treatment the state has to offer them through rehabilitation.

One minute there talking about the unconstitutionality of the registry and the next there hiring more con artists for there sting operation to boost registry numbers!